47 Ans Après

47 Ans Après is the contribution of Egyptian director Youssef Chahine to the anthology film Chacun son cinéma. That movie was commissioned for the 60th anniversary of the Cannes Film Festival.


“My love for the cinema has always been passionate… but one never says, “I am in love”, without accepting all the tribulations that go along with it. Talent alone is not enough, it must be nourished with knowledge, assiduity, a will of iron and last but not least joie de vivre.” That is how Youssef Chahine himself contextualized this short. This may sound very mellow and forgiving, but in the movie we see a young version of the director worrying about the critical reception of his film “Son of the Nile”. (The critics themselves, however, were worrying more about their fish soup).